United Nations Population Fund
Hiring Office: UNFPA Mozambique Country Office
Purpose of consultancy:
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) agency committed to delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA has committed its global, regional and country programmes to prioritize and scale up effective programmes for women and girls with special attention to sexual and reproductive health, including HIV prevention, while providing evidence and advocating for the holistic development of young people.
The UNFPA Mozambique office started the implementation of the “Health Improvements for Mothers, Neonates, and Adolescents in Niassa Province (HIMNA)” project (2024-2029) funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to support women and girls to access essential sexual and reproductive health service in Niassa province.
Niassa province, located in the northernmost part of Mozambique, is often referred to as “Mozambique’s forgotten province” due to its remote location and low population density. However, the population models have shown how the province’s population size has nearly doubled over a 10-year period. Increases in the population size are expected to continue as ongoing violence and instability in neighboring Cabo Delgado province contribute to a growing number of internally displaced persons (IDPs). While current estimates of the number of IDPs in Niassa are still small, the proximity and impact of the conflict have raised concerns amongst government and international stakeholders alike.
As the country’s smallest province in terms of population, Niassa faces significant challenges in accessing essential services. The project targets four high-priority districts within Niassa—Lichinga, Cuamba, Mandimba, and Mecanhelas—which are known for their urgent needs in maternal, neonatal, and adolescent health interventions. They face significant maternal and neonatal health challenges, with high maternal mortality and over 3,140 neonatal deaths recorded between 2018-2019. Key issues include obstetric complications, unsafe abortions, and neonatal problems, compounded by inadequate healthcare facilities and training. Only 54% of health centers are equipped for neonatal resuscitation, and the province has a shortage of health workers, with just 5.7 workers per 10,000 residents, below the national average. Access to healthcare is limited, as most residents live over 8 km from a health facility. Adolescent pregnancy rates are high, and while interest in family planning exists, only 16% of adolescents use modern contraception. Additionally, while gender-based violation (GBV) outcomes in Niassa are relatively better, only 32% of health units are equipped to manage GBV cases, emphasizing the need for improved infrastructure and services to address these critical issues.
Additionally, Niassa province shares borders with Malawi, making it vulnerable to cholera outbreaks, particularly during the rainy season from December to April, when the disease often spreads from neighbouring countries. Addressing these geographical and health challenges is crucial for the successful implementation of interventions aimed at improving maternal, neonatal, and adolescent health outcomes in the region.
To respond to the urgent needs, UNFPA together with implementing partners will provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and GBV services in four target districts. UNFPA support includes community health activists’ service, the deployment of integrated mobile brigades, community dialogues, adolescent boys and girls mentorship, etc.
Summary of the purpose of consultancy:
The UNFPA Mozambique office started the implementation of the “Health Improvements for Mothers, Neonates, and Adolescents in Niassa Province (HIMNA)” project (2024-2029) funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). This project aims to strengthen maternal, neonatal, and adolescent health outcomes through enhanced community engagement, improved healthcare service quality, and strengthened monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity of project stakeholders.
The specific goals of the project are as follows:
- Goal 1: Reduce the maternal mortality ratio to less than 190 per 100,000 live births.
- Goal 2: Reduce the neonatal mortality ratio to less than 19.3 per 1,000 live births.
- Goal 3: Reduce adolescent pregnancy to less than 47.3% in Niassa province.
The objective of the communication for behavioral impact (COMBI) consultancy is to develop a COMBI plan to be used during the HIMNA project implementation mainly for community-level interventions such as mobile brigade service provision, community health agent intervention, adolescent mentors’ intervention, and community dialogues.
- Objective 1: To identify the baseline knowledge, local myths, misconceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors concerning specific SRH and GBV-related topics.
- Objective 2: To understand, analyze, and communicate the target group’s knowledge, attitude, and practices on SRH and GBV.
- Objective 3: To provide information and raise awareness about the needs, issues, and barriers in developing effective, locally relevant public health and GBV interventions.
- Objective 4: To measure post-intervention changes and produce behavioral outcomes that demonstrate the effectiveness of programs aimed at enhancing SRH and addressing GBV-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and practices.
The results of the COMBI consultancy will be used to design an effective, evidence-based program that responds to the reality on the ground. The baseline data will be captured in the program results framework and utilized to guide behavioral change interventions in the communities, such as community dialogues, as well as to monitor and evaluate activities involving the community and beneficiaries, measuring the effectiveness and impact of the outreach activities.
The results of the consultancy will specifically inform the adaptation of the following activities:
- Activity 1.1.2 Train community health activists to provide family planning services, care for pregnant women, youth health, and counseling (including awareness/referral for adolescent pregnancy and GBV) at the community level
- Activity 1.2.1 Promote community dialogues and campaigns to advocate for adolescent pregnancy prevention, family planning, institutional delivery, antenatal/postnatal care (APN/PNC), GBV, and ‘New Masculinities’
- Activity 1.2.2 Provide training for adolescent girls’ mentorship activity to increase demand for family planning practice and the importance of school retention
- Activity 1.2.3 Provide integrated SRH services at the selected secondary schools
- Activity 1.2.4 Provide training for adolescent boys through sensitization campaigns on positive masculinities
It is proposed that this research will use a mixed-methods approach:
- Desk review: Review of relevant literature on SRHR and GBV, including sub-national analysis of secondary sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) and GBV data at least at the district level. The consultant will be expected to provide trends analysis of SRHR and GBV indicators over time and discuss any improvements or regression. Literature to be reviewed will include but not be limited to DHS reports, IMASIDA, MGCAS – Perfil de Genero em Moçambique, INE – Estatisticas de Violencia Domestica reports, data from Infoviolencia, etc.
- Quantitative methods: The consultant will develop the COMBI consultancy questionnaire and conduct the activity administered through interviews targeting the beneficiary group to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices. The data collected will be analyzed using statistical software such as Strata, SPSS, etc.
- Qualitative methods: Including focus group discussions (FGD) and key informant interviews (KII), to collect baseline data for the qualitative indicators and to assess the baseline levels of GBV and SRHR information and service awareness among target beneficiaries. This will inform the development of a district-specific COMBI plan, based on the local culture and beliefs of the community. The religious component will also be considered, examining how religious beliefs and practices in the province impact knowledge, attitudes, and access to services related to SRH and GBV.
Scope of work:
(Description of services, activities, or outputs)
A consultant is responsible for:
Submission of the inception report, which includes a detailed methodology for the COMBI research, questionnaire design, and a field visit plan. The consultant will coordinate with implementing partners to organize meetings and arrangements for consultancy visits to project districts. The consultant will also design and conduct the quantitative and qualitative data collection processes, including administering the COMBI questionnaire, conducting focus group discussions (FGDs), and key informant interviews (KIIs). The consultant will prepare and submit site assessment reports, highlighting cultural and religious factors that influence SRHR and GBV-related behaviors. Based on the research findings, the consultant will develop a comprehensive district-specific COMBI plan tailored to the cultural and social dynamics of the target communities. Finally, the consultant will submit a final report with actionable recommendations for implementing communication strategies to improve SRHR and GBV outcomes.
Broad areas to be covered by the consultancy are:
1. Mapping of an integrated SRH / GBV service provision system
○ Mapping of existing SRH / GBV service provision system
○ Quality of current services: effectiveness of service delivery and capacity of service providers
○ Identification of gaps in current SRH / GBV services
○ Community’s satisfaction with past/current SRH and GBV services
○ Identification of vulnerable people/groups within the community
○ Specific SRH and/or GBV needs of vulnerable people/groups
○ Specific barriers to accessing services for vulnerable people/groups
2. Community attitudes towards SRH and GBV interventions
○ Existing knowledge, social norms, and practices, including harmful practices on both SRHR and GBV
○ SRH and GBV issues and concerns
○ Perception of SRH and GBV services
3. Barriers to accessing SRH and GBV services
○ Physical or logistical barriers
○ Financial barriers
○ Social and cultural barriers
○ Psychological barriers
○ Information access barriers
○ Language barriers
4. Response mechanisms and SRHR & GBV service provision and demand creation
○ Mapping of community leadership and influencers
○ Structure of SRHR intervention at the community level
○ Preferred communication channels to access SRHR & GBV services
Duration and working schedule:
The assignment will be for a period of 60 working days
Place where services are to be delivered:
Maputo Office
Required document for the hiring process
Curriculum Vitae, sample works from the previous COMBI plans developed from other projects
Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):
The consultant should submit the following key deliverables submitted on the following dates, all deliverables should be submitted through a soft copy, in English:
Deliverable 1
Deliverables brief: the inception report, outlining the methodology, work plan, and data collection tools (questionnaire, field visit plan, FGD, and KII guides).
Due date: 1 week later the contract start date.
Payment Percentage: 10%
Deliverable 2
Deliverables brief: Provide a report including following components:
- The local community SRH and GBV needs assessment and site visit report, summarizing secondary data and trends on community priorities, attitudes, social norms, perceptions of services, and barriers related to SRH and GBV.
- SRH and GBV service delivery and quality, assessing the availability, accessibility, effectiveness, and capacity of services, particularly for vulnerable populations, and identifying gaps in service provision.
Community structure and social networks, including leadership, influencers, and preferred communication channels for SRH and GBV messaging; submit the report identifying vulnerable populations and their specific SRH/GBV needs, as well as the barriers they face in accessing services, including geographical and logistical factors
Due date: Within the 3 weeks after submission of 1st deliverables
Payment Percentage: 30%
Deliverable 3
Deliverables brief: Develop the final COMBI plan, based on research findings, with communication strategies tailored to address identified community needs and cultural factors.
Due date: 2 weeks later after data collection completed.
Payment Percentage: 20%
Deliverable 4 / Final
Deliverables brief: Provide the final report, including comprehensive recommendations for improving SRH and GBV outcomes, enhancing service accessibility, and developing interventions for vulnerable groups.
Due date: 2 weeks later after the submission of the 3rd deliverables
Payment Percentage: 40%
Specific deliverables
- Develop the inception report, outlining the methodology, work plan, and data collection tools (questionnaire, field visit plan, FGD, and KII guides).
- Provide the community SRH and GBV needs assessment and site visit report, summarizing secondary data and trends on community priorities, attitudes, social norms, perceptions of services, and barriers related to SRH and GBV.
- Deliver the report on SRH and GBV service delivery and quality, assessing the availability, accessibility, effectiveness, and capacity of services, particularly for vulnerable populations, and identifying gaps in service provision.
- Provide the report on community structure and social networks, including leadership, influencers, and preferred communication channels for SRH and GBV messaging; submit the report identifying vulnerable populations and their specific SRH/GBV needs, as well as the barriers they face in accessing services, including geographical and logistical factors.
- Develop the final COMBI plan, based on research findings, with communication strategies tailored to address identified community needs and cultural factors.
- Provide the final report, including comprehensive recommendations for improving SRH and GBV outcomes, enhancing service accessibility, and developing interventions for vulnerable groups.
- All travel-related costs will be covered by the consultant – per diem, flight tickets, terminal costs from and to Airport,etc.
- Recruitment of data collectors, it is recommended to be local with SRH skills and at least one in each district to be from the government system. Consultant will contract the data collectors and manage the payment of data collectors per diem and other cost, and administrative works during this consultancy.
- The Final report must be delivered in Portuguese and in English.
Monitoring and progress control including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:
The above-referenced reports will be prepared by the consultant, reviewed by the SRH Team Leader, and M&E officer, and signed off by the Deputy Representative.
Supervisory arrangements:
The Consultant shall work under the direct supervision of the SRH Team Leader and the overall supervision by the Deputy Representative.
Expected travel:
Work remotely. Travel will be requested by the UNFPA Mozambique country office for data collection and key informal interviews in target districts and province Niassa province, travel to Lichinga, Cuamba, Mandimba and Mecanhelas.
The travel cost: ticket, DSA, terminals, etc, will be covered by the consultant- organizing the trip and paying for logistics will be the responsibility of the consultant- Total 23 Days of Travel.
Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:
- Master’s degree in any of the following fields: social/behavioural science, communication, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and health education, with a focus on SRH and GBV-related studies.
Working Experience:
For the proposed consultant, knowledge and at least 2 years of professional working experience including:
- Knowledge and experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating comprehensive communication strategies and plans for social mobilization, behavioral change, and addressing social issues, particularly for vulnerable communities in SRH and GBV contexts;
- Experience in consulting on strategic communication, advocacy, and public relations related to social development and behavioral impact;
- Experience training and building the capacity of local teams, healthcare workers, or community leaders on communication techniques and behavioral change interventions;
- Knowledge of the programme development mechanism of the United Nations country programmes and familiarity with UNFPA programmes and policies, is an asset;
- Experience in coordination of multi-sectoral project working groups or coordination committees in Mozambique, is an asset;
- The proposed consultant should have at least 3 completed projects of similar nature and scope in various countries, particularly in East and Southern Africa;
- Fluency in English and Portuguese.
UNFPA Core Competencies:
- Accountability
- Integrity
- Commitment
- Cultural Sensitivity
- Valuing Diversity
- Building and managing relationships
- Personal leadership and effectiveness
UNFPA Functional Competencies:
- Client orientation
- Organizational Awareness
- Job knowledge/Technical expertise
- Good organizational and analytical skills, accuracy, discretion and a sense of confidentiality, team and service-oriented, autonomy, flexibility to adjust schedules and work priorities, emphasis on quality, efficiency and results
- Ability to propose solutions and improvements.
The proposed consultants’ willingness to comply with UNFPA’s confidentiality and conflict of interest rules:
- Confidentiality of manufacturer’s information
- During the technical evaluation of tenders, the confidentiality of proposals and confidentiality of the procurement process
- During the technical evaluation of tenders, compliance with no-conflict-of-interest rules for technical evaluation committee members in the UNFPA Mozambique country office.
Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:
The consultant shall be entitled to fees as per UNFPA policy guidelines.
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