As a Senior Operations Specialist, you will (i) lead team based in SPSO in Fiji and Pacific Country Offices (PCOs) under SPSO (Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Samoa, Tonga, and Tuvalu), (ii) Scale up ADB’s engagement in the PCOs, (iii) lead policy dialogues and relationship management with SPSO countries, under the broad guidance of the Regional Director and PARD’s Regional Management Team (RMT); (iv) support regional cooperation initiatives and ADB’s engagement with key Pacific regional organizations (v) oversee economic analysis, sector diagnostic, and thematic assessments (such as environment, governance, poverty assessment, and private sector ); and (vi) provide regular updates on operational issues to PARD’s RMT.
You will:
- Coordinate ADB’s continuing full reengagement with Fiji and ensure that ADB remains a preferred partner for the country. Lead the preparation of Country Operations Business Plans, Country Partnership Strategy mid-term reviews and completion reports.
- Ensure ADB can scale up engagement in other SPSO countries, consistent with the priorities outlined in ADB’s Pacific Approach. Coordinate programming discussions and annual Country Operations Business Plans.
- Ensure ADB operations align with SPSO’s countries’ development plans and ADB’s medium and long-term strategic frameworks. Maintain working relationships with country clients and stakeholders, and development partners.
- Collaborate with Public Sector Management Group on ADB policy-based financing operations in SPSO countries, based on joint policy action matrices developed cooperatively with development partners.
- Lead the design, processing and administration of relevant technical assistance activities.
- Lead the coordination policy dialogue and relationship management with SPSO countries under the broader guidance of the Regional Direction and PARD’s RMT, including close engagement with senior Government counterparts and other stakeholders, and in cooperation with development partners.
- Oversee efficient coordination of the PARD’s knowledge work in SPSO countries.
- Oversee the Asian Development Fund (ADF) country performance assessment for relevant SPSO countries.
- Lead coordination with other development partners and other stakeholders to identify opportunities for join coordination work.
- Maintain relationships with senior government officials and development partners.
- Secure co-financing from other bilateral partners and multilateral climate financing mechanism.
- Ensure regional cohesion across individual country programs and mobilization of Asian Development Fund and Ordinary Capital Resources regional set aside financing.
- Coordinate ADB engagement with key Pacific regional organizations, such as the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, and ensure relationships with regional bodies.
- Contribute to relevant internal and external training and conferences and other activities for advocacy, sharing and knowledge building.
- Oversee the work of the Economics and Programming Unit team members based in both the SPSO office in Fiji, and in the PCOs under SPSO.
- Oversee the performance of reporting staff, providing clear direction and regular monitoring and feedback on performance. Encourage the ongoing learning and development of staff in the unit.
You will need:
- Master’s degree or equivalent in Economics, Political Science, Public Policy, Public Administration, or related fields. University degree and at least 5 years specialized experience relevant to the position can be considered.
- At least 10 years relevant professional experience in development planning and policy formulation, implementation and project administration or related areas; Work experience in the Pacific developing member counties is desirable.
- International experience working in development in several countries.
- Experience in public sector reform, public financial management, private sector development is desirable.
- Ability to navigate negotiations and manage relationships.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.
- Please refer to the link for ADB Competency Framework for TI2.