Associate Professor of Climate Economics

Associate Professor of Climate Economics (

Job Number:


Department of Economics

Grade 9: – £58,596-£65,814 per annum

Open-Ended/Permanent – Full Time

Contracted Hours per Week: 35

Closing Date

: 01-Jan-2025, 11:59:00 PM

Disclosure and Barring Service Requirement: Not Applicable. 

Associate Professor of Climate Economics

The department of Economics is currently looking to appoint an Associate Professor of Climate Economics on a full-time or part-time contract who will contribute to the JusTNOW initiative. The first three years of this appointment will be heavily research focussed (minimal teaching) and candidates are expected to contribute to the JusTN0W initiative. After the first three years, the post will be a regular Associate Professor.

The salary is competitive and will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications.

JustNOW Initiative

The department of Economics is part of Durham’s internationally leading JusTN0W initiative (‘Just Transitions to a Net Zero World’), which is embedded in Durham’s Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy. (CSDLP). The CSDLP was founded in 2022 and operates as a research centre at the University level, with around 50 members from different disciplines.

The ambitious and interdisciplinary initiative JusTN0W is funded by a £5 million investment that will see seven academic staff appointed to lead Durham’s commitment to a better and fairer world in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation. Our initiative brings together academic colleagues across Law, Economics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences to advance the knowledge and the implementation of just transitions to net zero at international, national and local levels. The work programme comprises four strands of work. Each strand sets forth a range of objectives, including grant capture activity and engagement with different partners. More information on JusTN0W can be found here.

You will be joining an interdisciplinary team of colleagues at an exciting moment where we are shaping and developing cutting-edge research and impact agenda to attract sustainable research funding and leverage research capacity. We build on existing links into international governance frameworks such as the Conferences of Parties (COPs) under the umbrella of the international climate change regime. By collaborating and harnessing expertise across disciplines, the JusTN0W initiative will support your ground breaking solutions to address the climate crisis. 

The Department

The Department of Economics is part of the triple-accredited Business School. Research is broad ranging and far-reaching and includes economic growth and policy; behavioural economics; quantitative research in financial economics; and environmental and energy economics. The Department has a strong culture of collaboration and arrange external and internal research seminar series, conferences and PhD student workshops. It also has strong links with a wide range of businesses and government institutions including the Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank, UK Trade & Investment, BIS and the UK parliament. Support is offered to academic colleagues in publishing research in world-class journals, with a focus on quality rather than quantity. Our support for research includes resources for conference travel, seed corn funding of research activity, a generous research leave policy, and a designated mentor. More details about our research, teaching, and business connections can be found on our website; Durham Business School holds the HE Academy Athena Swan Silver Award for gender balance.

Working at Durham University

A globally outstanding centre of teaching and research excellence, a warm and friendly place to work, a unique and historic setting – Durham is a university like no other.

As one of the UK’s leading universities, Durham is an incredible place to define your career. The University is located within a beautiful historic city, home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and surrounded by stunning countryside. Our talented scholars and researchers from around the world are tackling global issues and making a difference to people’s lives. 

We believe that inspiring our people to do outstanding things at Durham enables Durham people to do outstanding things in the world. Being a part of Durham is about more than just the success of the University, it’s also about contributing to the success of the city, county and community.

Our University Strategy is built on three pillars of research, education and wider student experience, but also on our keen sense of community and of inspiring others to achieve their potential. 

Our Purpose and Values

We want our University to be a place where people can be free to be themselves, no matter what their identity or background. Together, we celebrate difference, value one another and are each responsible for creating an inclusive community that is respectful and fair for all.

Find out more about the benefits of working at the University and what it is like to live and work in the Durham area on our Why Join Us? – Information Page

Discover more about our total rewards and benefits package here.

Associate Professors at Durham

Associate Professors on the Education and Research track are encouraged to focus on research and teaching but are also expected to engage in wider citizenship to enhance their own development, support their department and discipline, and contribute to the wider student experience. 

Academic colleagues are supported to publish internationally excellent research in high impact outputs including (monographs and journal articles), in their area of interest with a focus on quality rather than quantity. We will fully support your research needs including practical help such as resources to attend conferences and to fund research activity, as well as a generous research leave policy and a designated mentor. Sitting alongside world class research; teaching quality and innovation is critical to ensure a first-class learning environment and curricula for all our students.

Durham University is also committed to ensuring outstanding teaching quality, stimulating learning environments, and innovative curricula for all our students. You will be supported to develop your teaching expertise and skills. 

We are confident that our recruitment process allows us to attract and select the best international talent to Durham. We therefore offer a reduced probation period of 1 year for our Assistant Professors and thereafter, subject to satisfactory performance, your position will be confirmed as permanent.

Applicants must demonstrate research excellence in the field of Economics, with the ability to teach our students to an exceptional standard and to fully engage in the services, citizenship and values of the University.

We strive to provide a working and teaching environment that is inclusive and welcoming and where everyone is treated fairly with dignity and respect. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate these key principles as part of the assessment process.

Key responsibilities:

  • To pursue research that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour, commensurate with the Department’s continuing emphasis on international excellence
  • To make a significant contribution to achieving the objectives of JusTN0W
  • To develop clear plans for the pursuit of suitable national and international funding opportunities to support research and end-user engagement
  • To make a significant contribution to capacity building and Continuous Professional Development activities
  • Play a pivotal role in relevant teaching and research supervision and contribute to ongoing curriculum development. This specific position aligned with the JusTN0W initiative will offer the new colleague an opportunity to focus on research and grant capture activity, with a significantly reduced teaching load
  • Contribute to enhancing the quality of the research environment in the Department, the wider University and beyond
  • Contribute to establishing and leading research groups within and beyond the University, and engaging in the mentoring of early career researchers
  • Demonstrate a willingness to contribute to the administrative work, citizenship and values of the Department
  • Deliver lectures, seminars and tutorials at undergraduate and taught postgraduate levels, as well as engaging in related activity such as assessment. Contribute significantly to the development and delivery of high-quality teaching, including the design of excellent learning environments and curricula
  • To attract and provide excellent supervision to research students, and to enhance the Department’s commitment to its vibrant and international postgraduate culture
  • Contribute significantly to the administrative functioning and collegial environment of the Department and wider University, undertaking leadership activities which support the functioning of the Department and wider University
  • To fully engage in, champion and enhance the values of the Department
  • Carry out such other duties as specified by the Head of Department

Durham University is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are a key component of the University’s Strategy and a central part of everything we do. We also live by our Purpose and Values and our Staff Code of Conduct. At Durham we actively work towards providing an environment where our staff and students can study, work and live in a community which is supportive and inclusive. It’s important to us that all colleagues undertake activities that are aligned to both our values and commitment to EDI.

We welcome and encourage applications from those who are currently under-represented in our work force, including people with disabilities and from racially minoritised ethnic groups. 

If you have taken a career break or periods of leave that may have impacted on the volume and recency of your research outputs and other activities, such as maternity, adoption or parental leave, you may wish to disclose this in your application. The selection committee will take this into account when evaluating your application.

The University has been awarded the Disability Confident Employer status. If you are a candidate with a disability, we are committed to ensuring fair treatment throughout the recruitment process. We will make adjustments to support the interview process wherever it is reasonable to do so and, where successful, reasonable adjustments will be made to support people within their role.

Person Specification

Candidates must demonstrate research excellence in the field of Economics, with the ability to teach our students to an exceptional standard and to fully engage in the services, citizenship and values of the University.


Candidates must have the capacity for and be progressing towards the independent development of internationally excellent research that produces high-quality outcomes, including some work that is recognised as world-class or that has world-class potential. 

Essential Research Criteria 

  1. Qualifications – a good first degree and a PhD in Economics or a related subject
  2. Expertise – evidence of or potential to undertake research and/or teaching on the broad topic of sustainability.
  3. Research Impact – evidence of a significant contribution to the development of research that has a demonstrable impact beyond the Candidate’s institution
  4. Outputs – that are consistently recognised as internationally excellent, with at least one output regarded as world class. Candidates are asked to submit [two] research papers with their application (as outlined in the How to Apply section below). Candidates may additionally choose to submit evidence such as external peer review of their outputs
  5. Personal Research Plan – 2 pages max, covering next five years- which supports and enhances JusTN0W and the Departments’ research strategy.
  6. Income Generation – significant evidence of engagement in the development of successful research projects and quality research grant proposals.


Candidates must demonstrate significant contribution to the development and delivery of high-quality teaching with a demonstrable contribution to the design of excellent learning environments & curricula, including curriculum development, that enable students to achieve their potential. As part of the strategic research initiative JusTN0W, you will have a significantly reduced teaching workload for the first few years of the investment to allow for additional research and grant capture activity.

Essential Education Criteria

1. Quality – making a significant contribution to the development and delivery of high-quality teaching at a nationally competitive level. Contribution to training, educating and mentoring other teachers in the department and/or the University in relationship to learning and teaching. (Candidates may choose to provide student evaluation scores and/or peer reviews of teaching).

2. Innovation – evidence of successful new programme development and innovate in the teaching methods for the design / delivery of high-quality teaching at a nationally competitive level including lectures, small group learning and/or using technology or other techniques to enhance learning and/or assessment. 

3. Strategic – Significant contribution to the design and delivery of excellent teaching activities and the creation of learning environments that enable students to achieve their potential.

Service, Citizenship and Values

Active engagement in the administrative and citizenship requirements of the Department. Positive contributions to the University’s Purpose and Values and to fostering a respectful environment, as well as demonstrating a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Essential Service, Citizenship and Values criteria

1. Citizenship contribution – a significant contribution to the collegial work and environment of an academic Department, Faculty or University. (Candidates may choose to evidence departmental or University roles, Faculty or University level committees or projects, mentoring activity, pastoral and academic support of students, engagement with widening participation, proactive support of the work of professional services colleagues, contributions to departmental programme management and/or strategic development, contribution to equality and diversity initiatives and membership or engagement with external bodies).

2. Leadership – evidence of leadership roles or a significant contribution to leadership activities that support the administrative functioning of an academic Department, Faculty or University and / or which support the development of the relevant discipline. (Candidates may choose to detail any leadership roles which they have undertaken, preferably in an academic context).

3. Communication – candidates must have excellent oral and written communication skills with the ability to engage with a range of students and colleagues across a variety of forums.

Desirable Criteria

The desirable criteria for this post (for which candidates should provide evidence of some if not all criteria) are:

1. Research Leadership – significant contribution to establishing and leading research groups within and beyond the candidate’s institution, a recognised contribution to the development of the relevant research field, and engagement in the mentoring of early career researchers. Significant contribution to the development of successful research project / fellowship proposals. (Candidates may choose to include information about research group leadership, mentoring of research colleagues, invitations to external events, engagement with international networks or projects).

2. PhD Supervision – the successful recruitment and excellent supervision of PhD students. 

3. Research Impact – evidence of a significant contribution to the development of research that has a demonstrable impact beyond the Candidate’s institution.

Contact Information

Department contact for academic-related enquiries

Professor Nejat Anbarci, Professor of Economics & Chair of the Search Committee


Contact information for technical difficulties when submitting your application

If you encounter technical difficulties when using the online application form, we prefer you send enquiries by email. Please send your name along with a brief description of the problem you’re experiencing to

Alternatively, you may call 0191 334 6801 from the UK, or +44 191 334 6801 from outside the UK. This number operates during the hours of 09.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday, UK time. We will normally respond within one working day (Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays). 

University contact for general queries about the recruitment process

How to Apply

We prefer to receive applications online.

Please note that in submitting your application Durham University will be processing your data. We would ask you to consider the relevant University Privacy Statement Job Applicants/Potential Job Applicants – Durham University which provides information on the collation, storing and use of data.

What to Submit

All applicants are asked to submit:

  • CV
  • A covering letter which details your experience, strengths and potential in the requirements set out above;
  • Personal research plan – (2 pages max, covering next 5 years)
  • Two of your most significant pieces of written work.
  • An EDI & values statement – (of no more than 500 words) which outlines work which you have been involved in which demonstrates your commitment to EDI and our values. I.e. Involvement in quality, diversity, and inclusion activities such as mentoring, volunteering, or attending conferences

Where possible we request that you provide accessible web links to your publications, which the hiring Department will use to access your work. The application form contains fields in which to enter each of the web links.

Please note we are unable to access publications behind a paywall. 

In the event you are unable to provide accessible links to online hosting of your work, publications should be uploaded as PDFs as part of your application in our recruitment system.

Please ensure that your PDFs are not larger than 5mb. Your work may be read by colleagues from across the Department and evaluated against the current REF criteria; 

All application documents should be uploaded with your name and document type as PDF files.

We will notify you on the status of your application at various points throughout the selection process, via automated emails from our e-recruitment system. Please check your spam/junk folder periodically to ensure you receive all emails.


You should provide 3 academic referees they should not (if possible) include your PhD supervisor(s). The majority should be from a University other than your own (save for early career applicants applying for their first post).

References will be requested for candidates who have been shortlisted and will be made available to the panel during the interview process.

As part of your application, you will be asked whether you give your consent to your academic references being sought should you be invited to attend an interview. We will only request references where permission has been granted. 

Next Steps

All applications will be considered; our usual practice is for colleagues across the Department to read the submitted work of long-listed candidates. 

Short-listed candidates will be invited to the University, either virtually or in-person and will have the opportunity to meet key members of the Department. The assessment for the post will normally include a presentation to staff and students in the Department followed by an interview and we anticipate that the assessments and interviews will take place in autumn 2024, with a preferred starting date of 1st January for the new post. 

In the event that you are unable to attend in person on the date offered, it may not be possible to offer you an interview on an alternative date.

Applicant Guidance

For further guidance on your application please see HERE

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