Child Labour Situation Analysis

  • Contract
  • Jordan
  • Posted 6 hours ago

Terre des hommes

Child Labour Situation Analysis
Project Title:Grow Economy: Promote sustainable, inclusive and decent economic opportunities for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in the agriculture sector
Organization Responsible :Terre des Hommes (Tdh)
Objective:Update the Child Labor Situation Analysis in Jordan, with a focus on challenges pertaining particularly to underage workers in the agriculture sector; and analyze the institutional system of responsibility and services for child laborers.
Activity Title: Activity 3.3.1 Conduct research and develop policy recommendations
Timeframe :28-40 working days

1. Tdh Background
Tdh Jordan was established in 2007 in response to the Iraqi refugee crisis. Since then the Migration program has evolved into responding to various emergencies that have afflicted the country at different periods in time, including the Syrian refugee crisis. In 2011 the organization established an Access to Justice program, focused on protecting the rights of children in conflict with the law aiming to orient the justice stakeholders towards a more child friendly and protective juvenile justice system.
Currently Tdh works with the Syrian refugees in the Emirates Jordanian camp (EJC), urban Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities through several child focused interventions, covering geographical areas of Amman, Zarqa, Al Balqa, Irbid, Madaba and Al Karak.
In the agricultural sector, Tdh collaborates closely with local stakeholders to improve labor conditions and strengthen child protection efforts. The organization focuses on identifying and addressing the risks faced by child workers, ensuring their access to education, and advocating for the effective implementation of child labor laws. By working with government institutions, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and local communities, Tdh strives to create a safer environment for children and reduce child labor in agricultural settings.
Child labour remains a pressing issue in Jordan, particularly within the agricultural sector, where children are often exposed to hazardous working conditions and deprived of their fundamental rights. The Child Labour Situation Analysis serves as a critical tool for understanding the scale, nature, and root causes of child labour, while identifying systemic gaps in institutional responsibilities and services. This analysis focuses on the challenges faced by underage workers, the roles of key duty bearers—such as the Juvenile Police Department
(JPD), Ministry of Social Development (MoSD), Ministry of Labour (MoL), and the Judicial Council—and the broader socio-economic factors driving child labour. By shedding light on these dynamics, the analysis aims to inform evidence-based interventions and facilitate dialogue among stakeholders to strengthen protections for vulnerable children.
Grow Economy project is a three-year project implemented in four governorates Irbid, Ajloun, Madaba, and Balqa, with the financial support of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD). The project is implemented by Acted, Action Against Hunger (ACF), Terre des hommes (TDH), Phenix Centre for Sustainable Development, ECO Consult, and The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), in coordination with the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC). The project aims to contribute to the economic empowerment of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians working in the agriculture sector by improving working conditions and fostering increased and diversified income sources to strengthen households’ resilience to unpredictable shocks and stressors. This will be achieved by three specific objectives:
1) Improving climate-adaptative approaches, productivity, and diversifying income sources through both agricultural and non-agricultural revenues, of 600 vulnerable small farming households, for stable and regular income throughout the year, and therefore resilient to unexpected shocks.
2) Improving employability and access to the year-round income of 600 agricultural labourers .
3) Promoting decent working conditions and labour rights in the agricultural sector, particularly for refugees, informal workers, women, and children, reaching 1,640 individuals.

Among the project’s three specific objectives, TDH, as a leading actor in child protection, will be the technical partner for all child protection and child labour-related activities across the four governorates and as part of Specific Objective 3, bringing its expertise in building the capacity of community and national stakeholders, establishing child-inclusive committees and enhancing employability opportunities through life skills for employability trainings to the project.
Through this consultancy, Tdh aims to assess on the challenges faced by adolescents workers (aged 16-18 years old) and child workers (under 16) in the agriculture sector, with a particular focus on hazardous working conditions and hidden forms of child labor. The study will also examine the demographic characteristics of child laborers, their access to rights, basic services, and education. Additionally, it will analyse the
institutional framework governing child labor – particularly the roles and responsibilities of the Family and Juvenile Police Directorate (FPJD), Ministry of Social Development (MoSD), Ministry of Labor (MoL) and the Judicial Council – to address gaps and facilitate a dialogue among key stakeholders and duty bearers.
The main objectives of the assessment will be as follows:
•Collect detailed data on the profiles of working adolescents (aged 16-18 years old) and children (under 16) in the agriculture sector across targeted governorates, as well as their siblings, and families. The study will focus on vulnerable groups, particularly Syrian refugees, children without legal documentation, and children in informal settlements (ITSs). Data collection will include demographic factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, marital status, disability, literacy, and educational background.
•Classify the types of agricultural work undertaken by adolescents (16-18) and children (under 16), along with their earnings, weekly working hours, and associated risks to their protection and well-being. A gender-sensitive analysis will be conducted to examine differences in tasks performed by boys and girls, their exposure to specific risks, and gender-based vulnerabilities.
•Analyze the prevalence of child labor among adolescents (16-18) and children (under 16) in Balqa, Madaba and Irbid Governorates, including those engaged in hazardous work and hidden forms of child labor, given increased vulnerabilities of this target age group.
•Investigate barriers to education and the underlying reasons why children and adolescents engage in labour, including factors such as family involvement in seasonal or migratory labor. The study will incorporate a gendered analysis to assess how these barriers differ for boys and girls.
•Analyze the push and pull factors that contribute to child labor in agriculture sector in Jordan, identifying root causes that contribute to its persistence. The analysis will include economic, social, and cultural factors, with a gender-sensitive perspective on how these elements shape boys’ and girls’ involvement in labor.
•Provide specific insight on refugee children, particularly Syrians, regarding their aspirations and future plans, in the context of evolving national and regional context.
•Assess the existing governmental protection system and its response to the needs of working adolescents (16-18) and (children under 16), mapping existing actors, mandates, and service gaps.
•Develop actionable recommendations at the programmatic, policy, and service provision levels to strengthen child labor prevention and response mechanism in Jordan.
The following are the expected deliverables, all of which to be submitted in English and Arabic:
•Inception Report and workplan: To be submitted upon signing the service agreement, outlining the analysis methodology, including the design of data collection tools and instruments. This deliverable will be discussed and approved by Tdh.
•Situation Analysis report: presenting the findings from primary and secondary data, along with actionable recommendations based on findings and national priorities. The report should also include a brief on the international legal framework governing the rights of working children, especially those hazardous environments.
•Stakeholder Mapping: identifying key governmental and non-governmental institutions involved in the protection and monitoring of working adolescents (16-18 years) and children under 16. The mapping should highlight institutional mandates and gaps in their implementation, referencing national laws, bylaws, regulations, and Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) related to Juvenile Law, Child Labor, Penal Code, and other relevant frameworks.
•National Dialogue Forum: The consultant will facilitate a one-day national dialogue session to present the findings to key stakeholders, including representatives from government institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs) and other sector actors in child labour. The session will serve as a platform to gather feedback and recommendations on the findings of the situational analysis and stakeholder mapping.
•Final Assessment Report: incorporating amendments based on feedback from the national dialogue.

The consultant will provide a final report, including the following:
-Executive Summary: A concise overview of the study’s key findings, conclusions, and recommendations. (1-2 pages)
-Background: Contextual information on the child labor issue, including its scope and relevance to the national and regional context. (1-2 pages)
-Objectives: clearly stated goals and intended outcomes of the study. (1 page)
-Study Methodology: A detailed explanation of the approach, covering locations, questionnaire design, training, field work, data entry and processing, data analysis; and any limitations or constraints to the study. (2-3 pages)
-Desk Review and Secondary Analysis: Comprehensive analysis of existing literature, studies, and data from government ministries, NGOs, and other credible sources. This section should identify trends, gaps, and areas defined in the objectives above and should be presented in both narrative and tables/graphs. (15-20 pages)
-Findings and Conclusions: Detailed presentation of results in a gender sensitive appraoch, supported by narrative explanations, tables, and graphs for clarity; and integration of insights from primary data (KIIs, FGDs, etc.) and secondary data. (3-5 pages)
-Recommendations: Policy-level recommendations to address systemic issues and improve the legal and institutional framework; Programmatic recommendations to guide interventions and initiatives aimed at reducing child labor, taking into account gender differences.
-Annexes: Including references, data collection tools, and additional relevant documents, such as two-pager summary of national dialogue outcomes and stakeholders mapping.
Note: All deliverables and materials should be submitted in accordance with Tdh’s and the project donors branding and visibility guidelines.

    The methodology for the Child Labor Situation Analysis will primarily adopt a qualitative approach , supplemented by a review of secondary data and limited quantitative analysis. The consultant(s) will employ a mix of methods, including:
    •Desk review: a comprehensive review of relevant studies, national reports, policies, and data from government ministries, NGOs, international organizations and academic research (in both English and Arabic). TDH will also make available key assessments conducted under the Grow Economy project. .
    •Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders and subject matter experts, including .
    •Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with the following target groups, ensuring a balanced representation of both genders:

    1-Children (under 16) and adolescents (age 16-18 years) involved in or at risk of child labor.
    2-Parents, caregivers and community representatives to understand household-level factors
    3-Quantitative data collection through a small-scale survey to complement qualitative findings.

    Phased research approach:
    •Desk Review and research tool development: The study will begin with a comprehensive desk review to establish a baseline understanding of the child labor situation. This phase will help identify key trends, knowledge gaps, and inconsistencies in existing data. Findings from the desk review will inform the development of research tools, including interview guides and survey instruments. These tools will be validated with input from Tdh to ensure alignment with study objectives.
    •Fieldwork and Data Collection: The primary data collection phase will involve conducting KIIs, FGDs, and quantitative data gathering in Al Balqa, Madaba, and Irbid. Specific locations will be determined based on desk review findings and consultations with Tdh. The consultant(s) will ensure that data collection methods are inclusive, participatory, and gender-sensitive.
    To maintain ethical research standards, parental consent and child assent will be obtained before engaging minors in FGDs. All interviews and discussions will be conducted in safe, confidential environments to encourage open and honest participation. Research teams will be trained on child
    protection and safeguarding protocols, ensuring that no harm is caused to participants during the study.
    •Data Analysis and Validation: The consultant(s) will apply a triangulation approach, cross-referencing primary qualitative insights (KIIs, FGDs) with secondary quantitative data to ensure the reliability of findings. Special emphasis will be placed on gender-sensitive analysis, identifying differences in child labor experiences between boys and girls.
    Collaboration with Tdh:
    •Tdh will provide significant input and support throughout the study to ensures the research aligns with programmatic priorities and objectives.

    For consultancy deliverables, the following formatting is suggested:
    Consultancy title
    Child Labor Situational Analysis in Jordan’s Agricultural Sector in Balqa, Irbid, and Madaba.
    Consultancy narrative
    This consultancy aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of child labor in Jordan’s agricultural sector, focusing on hazardous work and systemic gaps. It will identify drivers and risks associated with child labor, while proposing actionable recommendations and facilitating stakeholder dialogue to strengthen child protection mechanisms.
    Scope of Beneficiaries
    Direct: Vulnerable adolescents engaged in labor (aged 16-18 years) and children (under 16), low-income farmers, and agricultural laborers in Irbid, Balqa, and Madaba.
    Indirect: Key duty bearers , including the JPD, MoSD, MoL, Judicial Council, and CBOs involved in child protection.
    Consultancy Approach
    A mixed-methods approach will be used, combining: data review of secondary data, KIIs and FGDs with relevant stakeholders, and quantitative data from small-scale survey.
    Consultancy tools
    1.Research tools for KIIs and FGDs (questionnaires and guides)
    2.Quantitative survey
    3.Desk review framework for secondary data collection.
    4.Pre-approved data analysis framework
    5.National dialogue facilitation materials.
    Consultancy Timeline and Locations
    To be completed within 4- 5 working weeks
    Fieldwork locations: Irbid, Balqa, and Madaba, with meetings in Amman.

    The assessment is proposed for completion between April and July 2025, for a maximum of 40 working days (excluding holidays).

    Task Timeline
    Review project documents and conduct desk review: 2 -4 working days
    Draft inception report methodology and data collection tools: 4-6 working days
    Validate inception report and desk review with TDH : 2 -4 working days
    Data Collection: Conduct Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs):

    8 working days
    Analyze data and draft the report and mapping report: 3-5 working days
    Facilitate the national dialogue session with stakeholders to discuss findings and recommendations: 1 working day
    Submit the final report and all deliverables :4-6 working days
    Final approval of deliverables by Tdh :4-6 working days

    Required qualifications and experience:
    ➢Master’s degree in social sciences, Human Rights, or related fields.
    ➢Proven experience in conducting child labor studies, particularly in the agriculture sector.
    ➢Strong understanding of child protection, labor rights, and institutional frameworks in Jordan.
    ➢Demonstrated expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
    ➢A minimum of 5 years of experience in research on labor rights, especially in the agricultural sector.
    ➢Experience in data collection with minors, including adolescents (16-18 years old) and children under 16, ensuring adherence to ethical standards and child-sensitive research methodologies.
    ➢Excellent written and spoken communication skills in both English and Arabic.
    ➢Demonstrated experience working with international and/or national NGOs and institutional donors is a plus.
    Application procedure
    For interested applicants, please send your full proposal to [email protected] that includes:
    ➢CV(s) of Key Personnel: If multiple team members are involved, provide CVs for all personnel assigned to the consultancy.
    ➢Work Samples: Submit samples from at least two separate projects (max. 10-20 pages each), demonstrating experience in similar assessments. Each sample should include a brief description of the assessment, project scope, geographic area, and total budget.
    ➢Technical Proposal: A detailed proposal outlining the methodology, work plan, and approach for conducting the child labor situational analysis.
    ➢Financial Proposal: A comprehensive budget breakdown, specifying unit costs, categories, and duration. The consultancy must comply with all applicable government regulations, including tax obligations.
    ➢Signed Statement of Integrity: A declaration confirming adherence to ethical and professional standards (attached to this ToR).
    Tdh will not provide accommodation or transportation. All related costs must be included in the submitted offer. The financial proposal should include a detailed breakdown of costs per category.
    By undertaking this assessment, consultants are expected to abide to humanitarian principles and to ensure the confidentiality and protection of the data collected. It is also demanded that consultants follow at all times Tdh’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct, this applies to all stages of the assignment.
    All data collected as part of this evaluation will remain the sole property of Tdh. The Final Report produced under this contract shall not be shared externally without Tdh’s prior written approval.
    Tdh infringes upon any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement without justification and fails to comply with those obligations or to furnish a timely and satisfactory explanation within 20 days after written notification by the first party.
    Any offer submitted after the deadline will be automatically rejected. Any missing document will lead to the direct disqualification of the applicant. Offers that do not comply with the overall length and deadline of the assignment (as provided above), and do not include field visits will be disqualified. Any error or major discrepancy related to the instructions listed in the Terms of Reference may lead to the rejection of the bid

How to apply

Application procedure
For interested applicants, please send your full proposal to

[email protected]

that includes:
➢CV(s) of Key Personnel: If multiple team members are involved, provide CVs for all personnel assigned to the consultancy.
➢Work Samples: Submit samples from at least two separate projects (max. 10-20 pages each), demonstrating experience in similar assessments. Each sample should include a brief description of the assessment, project scope, geographic area, and total budget.
➢Technical Proposal: A detailed proposal outlining the methodology, work plan, and approach for conducting the child labor situational analysis.
➢Financial Proposal: A comprehensive budget breakdown, specifying unit costs, categories, and duration. The consultancy must comply with all applicable government regulations, including tax obligations.
➢Signed Statement of Integrity: A declaration confirming adherence to ethical and professional standards (attached to this ToR).

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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