Title : Consultant to develop the next strategy for the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies
Number of Consultants :1
Location : Geneva or home-based
Period : Up to 40 days between January 2025 – December 2025
The EiE Hub is recruiting a consultant to support the development of the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies’ (EiE Hub) second strategy, for the period 2026 – 2030. The strategy development process will include a desk review of the results achieved against the outcomes stipulated in the EiE Hub’s 2022 – 2025 Strategy and lessons learnt, build on an analysis of complementarity with other EiE initiatives, and reflect consultation with the EiE Hub’s members and other relevant stakeholders.
The EiE Hub is an alliance of 52 diverse members committed to addressing the underprioritisation and underfinancing of education in emergencies (EiE) and to responding to the education needs of the approximately 224 million crisis-affected children worldwide. Originating from a pledge at the 2019 Global Refugee Forum, the EiE Hub was officially launched in January 2021. Its first strategy, for 2022-2025, was published in May 2022, setting a strong foundation and enabling the EiE Hub to become an efficient entity and catalyst for EiE.
For its next strategic phase 2026 – 2030, the EiE Hub seeks to build on lessons learnt, achievements, feedback from stakeholders and its unique added value, to consolidate its role as catalyst in the EiE sector. It also seeks to continue putting the principles of partnership and subsidiarity at the core of its work, and address continued and emerging challenges in the EiE sector. A comprehensive consultation process will be pivotal in developing the strategy, ensuring broad consensus and ownership among members and partners, enhancing the strategy’s relevance and effectiveness.
Scope of work
The consultant will support the EiE Hub in developing its second strategy for 2026 – 2030, closely collaborating with the EiE Hub’s Secretariat, Steering Group (SG) and Technical Working Group (TWG). Specifically, the consultant will:
- Carry out a desk review comprising
- a review of the results achieved against the anticipated outcomes stipulated in the 2022 – 2025 Strategy and against the 2022 – 2023 and 2024 – 2025 joint work plans;
- build on an analysis of the wider ecosystem and complementarity with other EiE initiatives;
- lessons learnt and implications;
- Conduct a consultation process involving members, including through dedicated discussions with the SG and TWG, prospective members and other partners, through a survey, interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), to gather diverse perspectives and insights;
- Assess the relevance and influence of current activities and the unique added value of continuing or amending these initiatives in the next strategy;
- Develop a draft strategy document, and support a feedback and iteration process, that will include sharing the draft strategy with the SG and TWG for review and feedback;
- Incorporate any feedback in the final strategy.
- Inception report: (max. 5 pages) to ensure mutual understanding of the consultant’s plan of action and timeline for conducting the consultancy;
- Data collection tools and data: a guide for the interviews and FGDs; the questionnaire to be conducted; survey and interview data;
- Draft strategy: draft strategy for presentation and discussion with the TWG and SG
- Final Strategy 2026 – 2030.
Requirements – skills and qualifications
- Advanced university degree (Masters or above) in international education (humanitarian and/or development) or relevant field;
- Proven expertise in strategy development and advocacy;
- In-depth knowledge of the humanitarian landscape in Geneva and globally; in-depth knowledge of Education in Emergencies a strong asset;
- Excellent writing skills, with the ability to synthesise complex ideas into user friendly formats;
- Professional fluency in English (both written and verbal).
- Strong qualitative and quantitative research skills, including experience with conducting desk reviews, interviews and online surveys, and focus group discussions;
- Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to successfully manage consultation and feedback processes and work well in an environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures;
- Excellent organizational skills, with the ability to independently track and follow-up on various tasks;
- A collaborative and solutions oriented approach, with strong diplomatic, analytical and problem-solving skills.
How to apply
How to apply:
Interested applicants are required to submit the following to secretariat@eiehub.org:
- A copy of your resume
- A cover letter setting out your experience as it relates to this consultancy
- A 1-page technical proposal for this work.
- Availability dates to start the consultancy and your daily fee.
The deadline for applications is Monday 7 October 2024.