Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) is a development organization with a purpose to grow small holder farmers and Agri SMEs to increase agricultural productivity, incomes and enhance competitiveness for job creation especially for youth and women. This is achieved through capacity building which includes skills development, technical support, business advisory, financial and market linkages.
Our focus is to facilitate support and provision of integrated financial and business development services for small holder farmers and Agri SMEs in Kenya. This is aimed at enabling beneficiaries to access finance, increase agricultural productivity, agro-processing, and access markets/ trade opportunities. For over a decade, MESPT has partnered with development agencies, donors, and investors to build the capacity of the business services sector and the agricultural sector in Kenya through a unique tripartite business model that links Farmers, Agri- SMEs, and Financial Institutions – creating linkages along value chains.
We pride ourselves for successfully implementing 12 agriculture-based Programmes that have seen us facilitate creation of 70,000 decent jobs at various levels of the agriculture value chains. We have also cumulatively disbursed KES 6.4 billion to financial institutions and reached over 250,000 end users with access to finance.
For more information kindly visit our website www.mespt.org
Objective of the assignments.
MESPT wishes to contract firm to provide whistleblowing services to its internal and external stakeholders. The overall objective is to provide a secure, confidential mechanism which stakeholders can use to raise concerns regarding any unethical activities that are not aligned with MESPT’s purpose, values, policies and procedures. The whistleblowing platform will be a management solution that provides employees and external stakeholders with anonymous options to report issues related to fraud, harassment, theft, embezzlement, corruption, and gives MESPT the ability to uncover workplace unethical issues. The firm’s software may provide a hotline, a case management system alongside analytical tools to determine where misconduct is prevalent.
Scope of services & Key Requirements.
The firm will be expected to provide the following services:
- Provide MESPT’s internal and external stakeholders access to the firm’s whistleblowing platform including the hotline number. The platform and hotline number should be operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Multilingual functionality will be an added advantage.
- Provide an intuitive all-in-one solution for case management with multiple whistleblowing options e.g., hotline number, access to an online whistleblowing website and case management system/application etc. The platform should be designed to capture and manage different types of cases reported. The firm should indicate the different types of cases their platform has past experience managed.
- Escalate any cases reported to the relevant personnel at MESPT within 24 hours as per the reporting protocols stipulated in MESPT’s safeguarding and whistleblowing policies. The platform should allow for and differentiate between different types of whistleblowing cases and respond appropriately using the specific escalation path and reporting protocol provided by MESPT.
- Case management services through provision of timely reports to the relevant MESPT personnel and timely correspondence with whistleblowers who choose to remain anonymous.
- The firm should delve into analyzing and presenting varied reports to isolate / signal risk, ensure preventive and effective resolution and foster a more ethical culture at MESPT.
- Submit quarterly confirmatory reports which indicate whether any reports have been received for the immediately concluded quarter.
- Provide periodic training to MESPT staff on how to report cases using the Firm’s platform.
- Provide relevant articles and insights on whistleblowing related topics.
- The Firm’s services should comply with relevant laws and be inclusive for all employee categories including employees with disabilities.
Proposal Submission Guideline
MESPT is inviting tenders from suitably qualified firms. Your proposal should include:
Product description to meet the TOR.
A description of your understanding of the role of the Firm as outlined in these terms of reference. This should include details on the methodology which will be used to deliver the services and timelines of escalation of any cases reported to the relevant MESPT personnel.
Experience of the Firm in providing similar services to firms like MESPT.
Names and CVs of lead firm(s) including qualifications and relevant experience in providing the kind of services required and an outline of team structure (tailored CVs, no more than 2 pages each).
A detailed fee and direct cost-based financial proposal, with applicable taxes itemized.
Requirements for successful Firm.
The firm must meet the following specifications:
Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in offering whistleblowing services.
Financial Proposal.
Clear breakdown of the financial proposal for the assignment including all the chargeable taxes.
Terms of payment
Total quote for the assignment.
Submission of proposal to offer services.
This will include: The firm’s detailed profile.
A listing of firms where similar service is being/has been offered.
CVs of key personnel in the firm
recommendation letters of at least 3 clients in the past 3 years
Technical Evaluation
The following criteria shall apply for the technical evaluation. Failure to meet the requirements of the technical evaluation shall lead to disqualification from the rest of the bidding process.
- Mandatory Requirements.
- The firm must demonstrate relevant expertise and at least 3 years’ experience in providing whistle blowing services to organizations like MESPT. Multiple whistleblowing channels/ options will be an added advantage.
- Client references from 3 firms with operations in Kenya.
- Team lead should demonstrate 5 years’ experience in providing whistleblowing services.
- Proposal Submission Deadline
Completed proposals including all the requirements and details specified should be sent by email to [email protected] by 27th March 2025.
For clarification kindly send to [email protected] by 21st March 2025.
Check for clarifications before submission on MESPT-HR-06-2025 – Whistleblowing services.
How to apply
Download requirements and clarifications from this link MESPT-HR-06-2025 – Whistleblowing services.
Completed proposals including all the requirements and details specified should be sent by email to [email protected] by 27th March 2025.
For clarification kindly send to [email protected] by 21st March 2025.