Request for Proposals (RFP) for Architectural & Engineering (A&E) Services for Airstrip

  • Contract
  • Somalia
  • Posted 4 months ago

DAI Global

Please see the following link for the full posting including the associated attachments and required templates for submission:

Synopsis of the RFP


Issue Date: October 28, 2024

Title: Procurement for Architectural & Engineering (A&E) Services for Airstrip.

Email Address for Submission of Proposals: [email protected]

Bidders’ Conference: N/A

Deadline for Receipt of Questions: November 06, 2024

Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: November 12, 2024

Issuing Office and Point of Contact PCG Procurement Team: [email protected]

Anticipated Award Type: Fixed Price Contract (Subaward)

Basis for Award: An award will be made based on the Qualifications-Based Selection Method. The award will be issued to the responsible and reasonable offeror who provides the best competency, qualifications, and experience to DAI and its client at a reasonable cost.

Introduction and Purpose


The USAID People Centered Governance (PCG) Activity is supporting local governments in southern Somalia to improve their effectiveness and legitimacy. To accomplish this objective, the project implements activities aligned with two mutually interrelated and reinforcing immediate results, IR1) that District Councils (DCs) are fairer and more inclusive and IR2) that DCs improve their performance.

Under the current USAID contract, PCG will be operational in 12 districts in Somalia across four Federal Member States of Somalia (Galmudug, Hirshabelle, South-West State and Jubaland) which comprises of 7 post-District Council Formation (post-DCF) locations and 5 pre-District Council Formation (pre-DCF) locations.

In line with implementing the engineering construction and rehabilitation works components, DAI, the implementer of the People Centered Governance Activity, invites qualified Offerors to submit proposals to deliver Architectural & Engineering Design, Quality Assurance Services and construction supervision services to support in the engineering designs as shall be mentioned in the Statement of Works in Attachment A.

Issuing Office

The Issuing Office and Point of Contact noted in the above synopsis are the sole point of contact at DAI for purposes of this RFP. Any prospective offeror who fails to register their interest with this office assumes complete responsibility if they do not receive direct communications (amendments, answers to questions, etc.) prior to the closing date.

Type of Award Anticipated

DAI anticipates awarding a Fixed Price Contract (Subaward) to one offeror/bidder stating a total fixed price for the provision of the specific services and is not adjusted if the vendor’s actual costs are higher or lower than the fixed amount. Offerors are expected to include all costs, direct and indirect, into their total proposed price.

General Instructions to Offerors

  1. General Instructions

“Offeror”, “Subcontractor”, and/or “Bidder” means a firm proposing the work under this RFP. “Offer” and/or “Proposal” means the package of documents the firm submits to propose the work.

Offerors wishing to respond to this RFP must submit proposals, in English, in accordance with the following instructions. Offerors are required to review all instructions and specifications contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the Offeror’s risk. If the solicitation is amended, then all terms and conditions not modified in the amendment shall remain unchanged.

Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates DAI to award a subaward or purchase order. Offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation or submission of their proposal. DAI shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs.

Proposals are due no later than Tuesday, November 12, 2024,to be submitted via procurement email to [email protected]. Late offers will be rejected except under extraordinary circumstances at DAI’s discretion.

The submission to DAI of a proposal in response to this RFP will constitute an offer and indicates the Offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP and any attachments hereto. DAI reserves the right not to evaluate a nonresponsive or incomplete proposal.

Proposal Cover Letter

A cover letter shall be included with the proposal on the Offeror’s company letterhead with a duly authorized signature and company stamp/seal using Attachment B Proposal Cover Letter as a template for the format. The cover letter shall include the following items:

  • The Offeror will certify a validity period of 90 days for the prices provided.

  • Acknowledge the solicitation amendments received.

  • Documentation that the Offeror is a licensed/registered Architecture and Engineering Firm.

    Questions regarding the RFP

Each Offeror is responsible for reading and complying with the terms and conditions of this RFP. Requests for clarification or additional information must be submitted in writing via email to [email protected]. No questions will be answered by phone. Any verbal information received from a DAI (or PCG) employee or other entity shall not be considered as an official response to any question regarding this RFP.

Copies of questions and responses will be distributed in writing to all prospective bidders who are on record as having received this RFP after the submission date specified in the Synopsis above.

Instructions for the Preparation of Technical Proposals

The Technical Proposal and Cost Proposal should be prepared as separate files for independent evaluation, as follows. Technical proposals should be submitted in Word or PDF format and should be specific, complete, presented concisely and should not exceed 15 pages, using 12-point standard font size. Graphics may be included, so long as the text is clearly legible. If text or graphics are of poor resolution, the information provided may be excluded from consideration. Please provide a copy of your cost proposal in Excel format; Offerors should use the attached cost/budget template in Attachment C.

Technical proposals shall include the following three sections:

  1. Technical Approach – Description of the proposed services which meet or exceed the stated technical specifications or scope of work. The proposal must show how the Offeror plans to complete the work and describe an approach that demonstrates the achievement of timely and acceptable performance of the work.
  2. Management Approach – Description of the Offeror’s staff assigned to the project. The proposal should describe how the proposed team members have the necessary experience and capabilities to carry out the Technical Approach. In addition to the above, please include CV(s) of individuals proposed in the staffing plan to conduct this activity as an annex, which will not be counted as part of the 15-page limit.
  3. Past Performance –Provide a list of at least three (3) recent awards of similar scope and duration. The information shall be supplied as a table and shall include the legal name and address of the organization for which services were performed, a description of work performed, the duration of the work and the value of the contract, and a current contact phone number of a responsible and knowledgeable representative of the organization. See Attachment E Past Performance Form.

    1. Services Specified

For this RFP, DAI needs the services described in Attachment A, Scope of Work.

Technical Evaluation Criteria

Each proposal will be evaluated and scored against the evaluation criteria and evaluation sub-criteria, which are stated in the table below. Cost/Price proposals are not assigned points, but for overall evaluation purposes of this RFP, technical evaluation factors other than cost/price, when combined, are considered as significantly more important than cost/price factors.

Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Sub-criteria Maximum Points

Technical Approach

Alignment with technical specification spelled out in the SOW.

  • Technical site assessment approach (10 points)
  • Environmental monitoring and mitigation approach (10 points)
  • Architectural and structural design approach (10 points)
  • Quality assurance and control approach (10 points)

40 points

Management Approach

  • Qualification of technical and management staff (10 points)
  • Demonstrated experience of technical staff (10 points)
  • Professional licenses of the key technical staff (10 points)

30 points

Past Performance

  • At least 3 past references of similar assignment in the past 5 years (15 points)
  • Demonstrated experience of similar past work in Somalia (10 points)
  • Experience offering similar services within the USAID context (5 points)

30 points

Total Points

100 points

Instructions for the Preparation of Cost/Price Proposals

Cost/Price Proposals

Cost/Price proposals shall be sent in a separate file from the technical proposal. Provided in Attachment C is a template for the Price Schedule, for labor rates, for possible personnel that may be required to complete the anticipated tasks of the Offeror’s activities. Cost breakdowns included will be utilized to determine price reasonableness. The successful Offeror will need to demonstrate that the proposed rates, fees, etc. are reasonable and will be required to provide documentation during subcontract negotiations to substantiate costs, as needed.

The Offeror is responsible for all applicable taxes and fees, as prescribed under the applicable laws for income, compensation, permits, licenses, and other taxes and fees due as required.

Basis of Award

Qualifications-Based Determination

DAI will review all proposals, and make an award based on the technical criteria stated above and select the offeror whose proposal provides the best value to DAI in terms of the highest qualifications at a reasonable cost. DAI may also exclude an offer from consideration if it determines that an Offeror is “not responsible”, i.e., that it does not have the management and financial capabilities required to perform the work required.

DAI may issue an award to an Offeror without discussions. Therefore, the initial offer must contain the Offeror’s best price and technical terms.

Responsibility Determination

DAI will not enter into any type of agreement with an Offeror prior to ensuring the Offeror’s responsibility. When assessing an Offeror’s responsibility, the following factors are taken into consideration:

  1. Provide evidence of the required business licenses (Certificate of Incorporation, Tax Identification Number (TIN), Tax Clearance Certificate) to operate in the host country.

  2. Evidence of a Unique Entity ID (SAM) (explained below and instructions contained in Attachment D).

  3. The source, origin and nationality of the products or services are not from a Prohibited Country (explained below).

  4. Having adequate financial resources to finance and perform the work or deliver goods or the ability to obtain financial resources without receiving advance funds from DAI.

  5. Ability to comply with required or proposed delivery or performance schedules.

  6. Have a satisfactory past performance record.

  7. Have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics.

  8. Have the necessary organization, experience, accounting and operational controls and technical skills.

  9. Have the necessary production, construction and technical equipment and facilities if applicable.

  10. Be qualified and eligible to perform work under applicable laws and regulations.

    Anticipated post-award Deliverables

An award will be issued through a Fixed Price Contract (Subaward) detailing a specific scope of work accompanied by preliminary designs and drawings. The envisioned deliverables for this subaward are outlined in the table below, however, a more detailed scope with clear milestones will be captured in the main subaward document.

No. Description

1 Pre-Design Services:

Provide realistic assessments and technical project definitions during pre-design and pre-construction analyses; including feasibility studies, cost-benefit analyses, evaluation of alternatives, inclusion of climate risks and USAID environmental compliance requirements, promoting gender equity, estimating local construction capacity, and evaluating local partner capacity to operate and manage infrastructure, as needed. May include review and approval of the already completed designs and other technical documents including the Bills of Quantity (BOQ), Technical Specs, Health and Safety Management Plan, the Quality Management Plans and others that may be assigned.

2 Detailed Design Services:

Review and complete the initial engineering design packages and do modifications or develop new designs for unsatisfactory designs on a case-by-case basis for selected infrastructure activities (in line with the USAID Environmental compliance policy) to the required codes, providing Design Quality Assurance services and manage design services through a licensed Project Engineer. Engage with permitting agencies on any required preliminary evaluations and licenses.

Design packages include plans, technical specifications, bill of quantities, engineer’s cost estimate, Inspection and Test Plans and engineer’s schedule.

3 Construction Supervision Services: Provide Quality Assurance and Quality Control services, design modifications if required, accepting conformance of works.

Inspection & Acceptance

The Chief of Party, with support from the Engineering and Construction Manager, will inspect from time to time the services being performed under each deliverable to determine whether the activities are being performed in a satisfactory manner, and that all equipment or supplies are of acceptable quality and standards. The subcontractor shall be responsible for any countermeasures or corrective action, within the scope of this RFP, which may be required by the DAI Chief of Party as a result of such inspection.

Compliance with Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Offerors agree to comply with the general terms and conditions for an award resulting from this RFP. The selected Offeror shall comply with all Representations and Certifications of Compliance listed in Attachment F.

Prohibited Technology

Offerors MUST NOT provide any goods and/or services that utilize telecommunications and video surveillance products from the following companies: Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, in compliance with FAR 52.204-25.

Source and Nationality

Under the authorized geographic code for its contract DAI may only procure goods and services from the following countries.

Geographic Code 935: Goods and services from any area or country including the cooperating country but excluding Prohibited Countries.

DAI must verify the source and nationality of goods and services and ensure (to the fullest extent possible) that DAI does not procure any goods or services from prohibited countries listed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as sanctioned countries. OFAC sanctioned countries may be searched within the System for Award Management (SAM) at The current list of countries under comprehensive sanctions include Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Goods may not transit through or be assembled in comprehensive sanctioned origin or nationality countries, nor can the vendor be owned or controlled by a prohibited country. DAI is prohibited from facilitating any transaction by a third party if that transaction would be prohibited if performed by DAI.

By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, Offerors confirm that they are not violating the Source and Nationality requirements of the goods or services being offered and that the goods and services comply with the Geographic Code and the exclusions for prohibited countries outlined above.

Unique Entity ID (SAM)

There is a mandatory requirement for your organization to provide a Unique Entity ID (SAM) to DAI. Without a Unique Entity ID (SAM), DAI cannot deem an Offeror “responsible” to conduct business with and, therefore, DAI will not enter into a subcontract/purchase order or monetary agreement with any such organization. The determination of a successful Offeror resulting from this RFP is contingent upon the winner providing a Unique Entity ID (SAM) to DAI. Offerors who fail to provide Unique Entity ID (SAM) will not receive an award and DAI will select an alternate Offeror.

All U.S. and foreign organizations which receive first-tier subcontracts/ purchase orders with a value of $30,000 and above are required to obtain a Unique Entity ID (SAM) prior to signing of the agreement.

To obtain a Unique Entity ID (SAM), see Attachment D – Instructions for Obtaining a Unique Entity ID (SAM) – DAI’S Vendors, Subcontractors.

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy and Reporting Responsibilities

DAI conducts business under the strictest ethical standards to assure fairness in competition, reasonable prices and successful performance or delivery of quality goods and equipment. DAI does not tolerate the following acts of corruption:

  • Any requests for a bribe, kickback, facilitation payment or gratuity in the form of payment, gift or special consideration by a DAI employee, Government official, or their representatives, to influence an award or approval decision.
  • Any offer of a bribe, kickback, facilitation payment or gratuity in the form of payment, gift or special consideration by an offeror or subcontractor to influence an award or approval decision.
  • Any fraud, such as misstating or withholding information to benefit the offeror or subcontractor.
  • Any collusion or conflicts of interest in which a DAI employee, consultant, or representative has a business or personal relationship with a principal or owner of the offeror or subcontractor may appear to unfairly favor the offeror or subcontractor. Subcontractors must also avoid collusion or conflicts of interest in their procurements from vendors. Any such relationship must be disclosed immediately to DAI management for review and appropriate action, including possible exclusion from award.

These acts of corruption are not tolerated and may result in serious consequences, including termination of the award and possible suspension and debarment by the U.S. Government, excluding the offeror or subcontractor from participating in future U.S. Government business.

Any attempted or actual corruption should be reported immediately by either the offeror, subcontractor or DAI staff to:

By signing this proposal, the Offeror confirms adherence to this standard and ensures that no attempts shall be made to influence DAI or Government staff through bribes, gratuities, facilitation payments, kickbacks, or fraud. The Offeror also acknowledges that violation of this policy may result in termination, repayment of funds disallowed by the corrupt actions and possible suspension and debarment by the U.S. Government.

Please see the following link for the full posting including the associated attachments and required templates for submission:

How to apply

Please see the following link for the full posting including the associated attachments and required templates for submission:

Email Address for Submission of Proposals: [email protected]

Bidders’ Conference: N/A

Deadline for Receipt of Questions: November 06, 2024

Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: November 12, 2024

Issuing Office and Point of Contact PCG Procurement Team: [email protected]

Anticipated Award Type: Fixed Price Contract (Subaward)

Basis for Award: An award will be made based on the Qualifications-Based Selection Method. The award will be issued to the responsible and reasonable offeror who provides the best competency, qualifications, and experience to DAI and its client at a reasonable cost.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

Job Location