Supporting the Occupational Safety and Health OSH awareness campaign

  • Contract
  • Iraq
  • Posted 4 hours ago

International Labour Organization

The International Labour Organization (ILO), through the Building Equitable and Inclusive Transformation
(BEIT) project, funded by the European Union, works to strengthen employment policies through public
works programs, develop labour legislation, and ensure its enforcement—particularly in areas related to
occupational safety and health (OSH), combating child labor, promoting labor rights and trade union
freedoms, and fostering social dialogue.
Additionally, the ILO aims to enhance labour inspection tools, build the capacity of government
institutions, workers’ organizations, and employers to monitor OSH requirements at construction sites,
and raise awareness of occupational hazards in the construction sector.
In this context, the ILO plans to launch a week-long OSH campaign in the construction sector, coinciding
with the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28, 2025 through a service provider.
2. Objectives
The service provider will be responsible for supporting the OSH awareness campaign by providing the ILO–
BEIT project with photographs, video production, design, printing, and boosting of materials on social media
related to the OSH awareness campaign, as outlined below. This includes ensuring high-quality production,
timely delivery, and adherence to specified standards. The final materials will be utilized in the OSH
campaign to enhance employers and workers awareness of workplace hazards and occupational safety and
health (OSH) requirements in Iraq’s construction sector.
3. Scope of Work
The selected service provider will be responsible of:
3-1 Providing professional photographs to capture OSH related scenes of interest on construction
The objectives and guidelines are:
1. Contextual 50 photos of workers and employers in the different construction workplaces, (High
buildings, bridges, scaffolding, equipment, and other related construction aspects) focusing on workers
and OSH officers, if any. These photographs should show elements of the workplace in the background
and depict workers of different age. Female, migrant workers and workers with disability should also be
included in the photo sample.
2. The workers and employers photographed shall be conducting their regular activities, no posed photos
are accepted. However, some portrait photos of people in actions (looking at the camera but not
intentionally posing) are welcomed.
3. It is important to provide a realistic snapshot of construction sites realities in the country, therefore a
good balance should be found between images conveying positive and neutral messages (regarding the
body language of the person photographed).

4. A mix of pictures showing a single worker/employer, a group of several workers/employers or a
worker(s)/employer(s) with OSH-MoLSA administrators shall be provided. Photos depicting the elements of
tripartism and social dialogue, e.g. clear interaction between workers, employers, and labour/OSH/social
security inspectors, are of clear interest.
5. The photographs should avoid depicting/mentioning the names of the companies visited. The
photographs should also not contain any elements of commercial products (goods or services). To the
extent possible, images should not show any recognizable logos, brands and other marketing elements.
6. All photographs should form a homogeneous series allowing the audience to identify them as
belonging to the same series. The different themes should be clearly identifiable from the photographs.
The photographs should have both an artistic and an educational dimension.
7. These photographs will be used by the ILO to illustrate various communication tools: report covers,
promotional brochures, web illustrations, posters, etc. for BEIT project.
8. All high-resolution original/raw and edited photos taken, including a folder of at least 50 selected
processed photos with detailed captions for submission to ILO Office in Iraq and ILO Geneva via
WeTransfer to be added in the global Flickr account, will be stored in an external hard drive. All photos will
have the minimum resolution of 6 million pixels, with accompanying notes, captions and consent forms
(Annex 1 & 2). 9. The ILO must have all rights to the photos. All images become the property of the ILO and
all rights shall be vested in the International Labour Organization including, without any limitation, the
rights to use, publish (including the Web), or distribute the photographs, privately or publicly. A selection
of photos will appear on the ILO’s internal and external photo database. A hard copy of all the consent
forms will be submitted to the ILO Iraq and an electronic copy stored in the external hard drive also
submitted to the ILO. Photos must be digital. The photographer should choose the best angle and take as
many photos as possible, with sensitivity to proper lighting, and best positions on people photographed.
10. The photographer should ensure that the subject is in focus and give attention to the background. It is
crucial that the image will convey the intended story. Images of a subject should also vary such as looking
directly at the camera at eye level to make it more engaging or indirectly to convey a story. It should also
be a mixed of landscape and portrait shots. The photos should be used in a manner which respects human
dignity without causing prejudice to any party or stereotypes, while ensuring gender and age balance.
Photos should convey strong messages to draw people’s attention, generate interest and foster action and
support to improving OSH in Iraq.
11. The photographer warrants that he/she is the exclusive owner of all the intellectual property rights in
the photos. The photographer warrants that he/she has all permissions needed for exploitation by third
parties of any of the rights in the photos. The photographer will obtain photo consent from individuals and
groups (see Annexes 2 to 3 for the consent forms). The photographer should ensure that images will not
include individuals or groups who refused to have their photos taken.
12. The photographer shall transfer to ILO all the intellectual property rights of the photos forming the
subject of this Agreement, including but not limited to, the rights of reproduction, representation,
adaptation, publication, distribution and dissemination. ILO shall guarantee to the Photographer that
his/her name will appear on any medium of reproduction in the following manner:
© ILO/Name of Photographer/Affiliation (if any)
13. The photographer must seek permission from the ILO on the use of the photos. ILO shall always
guarantee to the photographer free access to these originals but will secure appropriate permission.
14. The final list of places for shooting is to be defined jointly with the photographer once he/she is
assigned by the contractor. To the extent possible, the ILO will facilitate service providers’ permission to take photos in the identified construction site for MoLSA , MoCH. And Union of contractors. However, the
photographer will be responsible for seeking informed consent of persons photographed.
15. The photographer will also be responsible for securing final permits for the photoshoot in all designated
locations, including by seeking those from the authorities, if necessary.
16. While the awareness campaign seeks to promote good practices, some photos depicting bad practices
(at least 10%) should also be captured to illustrate the contrast and educate the public on how to avoid
bad construction practices. Guidance on these will be provided by the Awareness Campaign Committee.
17. In performing the assignment under these Terms of Reference, the selected photographer should
strictly adhere to the ILO Photo Guidelines. The photographer should also refer to the ILO Flickr to have a
better idea on the expectation with regards to the photos to be produced.
3-2 Produce videos: please refer to table 3.2 below
3-2-1 Indoor Interview Videos: (The identifiers to be selected by ILO)
 Quantity: Produce three high-quality videos through the interviews with MoLSA , MOCH
officials and ILO staff.
o Duration: 1 minutes each
o Location: Baghdad (time and location will be provided in advance by ILO)
o Features: Subtitles in Arabic, introduction page, background music (fully licensed)
3-2-2 Outdoor Video Shooting:
o Quantity: Produce 7 high-quality videos based on substance provided by ILO and MoLSA.
o Duration: 45-60 seconds each
o Locations: Various worksites, including road construction, bridge construction, brick
factories, and building construction.
o Presenters: two male and female actors/models, and two MoLSA officials.
o Drone Use: Requires security and authorities drone permissions, which will be obtained
by the service provider.
o Worker Representation: Footage must include youth male and female workers in
construction worksite. (Such as high places, under sun. etc.)
o Features: Arabic text overlay and Arabic voice-over, background music (fully licensed)
3-2-3 Infographic Video:
o Quantity: 1 video
o Duration: 1.5 minutes
o Content: Animated character illustrations explaining OHS accident report 2024.
o Features: Arabic text and voice-over, background music (fully licensed)
3-2-4 Obligations:
The provider shall follow the below.

Ensure videos are in high-definition format compatible with YouTube and other social media
platforms, has artist-produced voiceovers in Arabic and include subtitles in English.
2. Present draft videos to ILO for comments and feedback.
3. Incorporate feedback to finalize the videos.
4. Ensure all content is suitable for screening.
5. Visit relevant locations for indoor and outdoor filming inside Baghdad (ILO office, MoLSA, places of
work and gathering of informal workers, etc.).
6. Obtain necessary permissions from individuals to record the videos.
7. Coordinate with ILO Iraq and the BEIT project team to identify key subjects and areas for filming.
8. All ideas and content will be discussed and agreed upon with the ILO prior to implementation.
9. The service provider will supply the background music (ensuring it is either original, or purchased
by the provider, or loyalty free/creative common licensed). No creative common licensed or
purchased footages will be accepted, all footages used for the production of the videos must be
original produced by the service provider exclusively for the purpose of this contract.
10. In producing the videos in English and Arabic, the service provider will ensure that alterations to
the initial script in Arabic are valid from technical and linguistic perspectives. It will also ensure
that the speed of the voiceover in both versions of each video is adequate and make
adjustments to the speed of the video to match the speed of the voiceover where/if necessary.
11. The provider will include logos, bumpers, end-text as required and agreed upon with the ILO.
ILO Branding rules should also be duly observed.
12. All material/content produced within the current contract will be the property of the ILO and must
be handed over to the ILO together with the final video products.
3-2-5 The process of production
1. ILO and service provider to have the discussion to conceptualize both videos, and service
provider to send the ILO detailed concepts for videos.
2. ILO will facilitate the service provider to meet an Awareness Campaign Committee comprising
of relevant stakeholders to provide inputs at various stages of the production.
3. ILO to send service provider draft key messages in Arabic, service provider to rework those
into full script and develop ideas for footage.
4. Based on the script/key messages reviewed and approved by the ILO and expected duration
of each video, the service provider will adjust the narrative to the needs of the target
audience and approve the final script and narrative with the ILO and MoLSA.
5. Service provider will then provide ILO with a revised scripted narrations and story boards
for each video, illustrating concept and style, and taking into account any specifics which need
to be in line with ILO guidelines (i.e., gender-, age-balanced representations, ILO brand colour
schemes). The storyboard concept and style should also reflect the realities of informal
workers in Iraq.
6. ILO to share with service provider branding multimedia kit, including logos of the ILO and
the EU (donor), animated bumpers, brand book, among others. The ILO will also make sure
that service provider receives due feedback from ILO Communications on compliance with the
ILO Branding rules.
7. Once the story board is agreed, the service provider to perform video shooting in the settings
and with stakeholders agreed with the ILO. The service provider to ensure that video shooting
is conducted with professional equipment which includes, but is not limited to, video cameras,
professional lights and sound recording equipment. The service provider will be responsible for making sure that informed consent for being recorded is requested from all non-ILO
stakeholders. The service provider will also make sure that the quality of the footage is not
impacted by weather conditions.
8. At the same time, upon the approval of the storyboard, the service provider will develop
videos. The service provider will make sure that the proposed solutions for videos are
appropriate for the target audience.
9. Upon completion of video shooting and infographic development, service provider will send
30 second video samples of the footage/animation/graphics/music/voiceover/on the screen
text for both videos to the ILO for review.
10. Based on comments received, the external service provider will produce the full versions of
video with Arabic artist-produced voiceovers (native speakers or similar) and sub-title files
with on the screen text in the above languages for to be uploaded to the sub-titling tool on
YouTube for accessibility purposes. Burned-in subtitles should only be added to interview
footage where the speaker uses a language other than the main language of the video.
11. Once the videos are finalized, video files will be provided to the ILO for uploading to YouTube
and other social media platforms. Video formats should be compatible with the website, social
media and YouTube (e.g. MP4, with a standard aspect ratio of 16:9, H. 264 video codec, and
AAC-LC audio codec).

Table 3.2
Description Unit Quantity Unit price in
(USD) Total priace in
(USD) Produce highquality videos through the interviews with MoLSA (Ministry of Labours and Social Affairs), MOCH(Ministry of Construction and
Housing) officials and ILO staff. Video duration is 3
Records will be done in Baghdad (time and location will be provided in advance by ILO). Arabic Subtitles,
introduction page, and background music (fully licensed) are required. Produce highquality videos based on substance provided by ILO and MoLSA. 45-60 minutes long. Recording location includes various worksites, including road construction, bridge construction, brick factories, and building
construction. Videos to be recorded by two presenters a MALE and FEMALE. Part of the videos needs to be recorded by using drones (fly cams), this needs authorities approvals, approvals for using drones is under the responsibility of the supplier. Footage must include youth male and female workers in
Video record 7 construction worksite. (Such as high places, under sun. etc.) Arabic text overlay and Arabic voiceover, background music (fully licensed) to be included Produce infographic video, 1.5 minutes long. Animated character illustrations explaining OHS accident report 2024 to be included.
Arabic text and voice-over, background music (fully licensed) to be included Video record 1
3-3. Designing and Printing Materials: refer to table 3.3 below
Description Additional Requirements Size Printing Details Paper Type Unit Quantity Unit Cost (USD) Total Price(USD) Brochure
Design: Same character drawings as in the infographic video explaining OHS accident report 2024.
A6 (4pages) Double-sided, offset printing (4colours).

Art 150 gm copy 10,000
Flyer Design: Same character drawings as in the infographic video explaining OHS accident report
2024. A5 Offset printing (4colours) Art 300gm with lamination copy 30,000 copies (6 designs, 5,000 per design)
Posters Design: Same character drawings as in the infographic video explaining OHS accident 50×70 cm Offset printing (4colours)

Art 300 gm with lamination copy 10.000copies (5 designs, 2000 per design) report
2024. Doublesided stickers on all four corners for easy application

Samples of each printed item must be provided by the contractor for review and approval
before the full production run.
 Samples should meet the required quality standards, including color accuracy, paper quality,
lamination, and the inclusion of double-sided stickers on all four corners for the posters and
 Approval Process: Samples will be reviewed by the project team, and feedback will be provided
before final production begins.
3-4 Social Media Image Posts: explaining OHS requirements.
 Total: 10 image posts
 Formats:
o Instagram: Vertical format
o Facebook: Horizontal format
 Content: Includes same animated character theme from the campaign
4. Copyright & Usage Rights:
 All videos, drawings, and designs must be original or fully licensed for unrestricted ILO use in
future campaigns.
 Background music must be fully paid and copyright-free for commercial use.
5. Social Media Promotion:
 Budget: Up to $1,500 for promoting selected videos and posts.
 Execution: The service provider is responsible for running the promotion campaign.
6. Thematic Consistency:
 All campaign materials must maintain a unified theme using animated character drawings to
explain Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) concepts.
 The design must ensure clarity in delivering key safety messages.

The same character drawings will be applied across videos, social media posts, and print
7. DELIVERABLES & timing
1. Work plan:
 Detailed work plan outlining the scenarios for the photographing, videos, as well as
locations and timeline (Week 1). See table #7 below
2. Script and storyboard development:
 Draft scripts and storyboards for both videos with finalization after incorporating ILO
feedback (Week 2). See table below
3. Photographs
Please check the table below
Schedule Activity
Week 1 Developing production plan and seeking permissions.
Week 2 Field photo shoot in construction Workplace in Baghdad.
Week 2 Post-pressing and sélection of photos
End of Week 2 Submission at least 50 photos according to detailed requirements shown
4. Video Production:
 Produce 30 second video samples of footage/animation/graphics/music/voiceover/onscreen
text for review (Week 3). See table below
 Produce final 8 videos in HD-4k format, with the raw footage and editable project files
(Week 4) before 15 April 2025. See table below
5. Designing and printing materials
 Develop and finalize the content in cooperation with MoLSA and ILO ( Week 3). See table below
 Printing and delivering the materials to National Center of Occupational Safety and Health of MoLSA
in Baghdad ( Week 4 ) before 15 April 2025.
Table of Deliverables
Schedule Activity
Week 1 Developing production plan and seeking permissions.

Week 1 Detailed work plan outlining the scenarios for the photographing, videos, as
well as locations and timeline
Week 2 Field photo shoot in construction Workplace in Baghdad.
Week 2 Post-processing and sélection of photos
Week 2 Draft scripts and storyboards for Both videos with finalisation after
incorporation of ILO feedback
End of Week 2 Submission at least 50 photos according to detailed requirements shown
Week 3 Produce 30 seconds video samples of
footage/animation/graphics/music/voiceover/on-screen text for review
Week 3 Develop and finalize the content in cooperation with MoLSA and ILO
Week 4 Produce final 8 videos in HD-4k format, with the raw footage and editable
project files before 15 April 2025
Week 4 Printing and delivering the materials to National Center of Occupational
Safety and Health of MoLSA (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) in Baghdad
before 15 April 2025.

The work will be performed between Mid of March and the End of April 2025 (6 weeks duration).
1. First payment 30% upon receiving the workplan.
2. Second payment 40% upon receiving and approving the videos, photos, and electronic designs for
printing materials.
3. final payment 30% upon delivering the printing materials and finalize the social media promotion and
providing the social media campaign report, including the spent fund.
The successful service provider for this project will need to demonstrate significant expertise and experience
in designing the awareness campaign materials and video production, particularly within the labour and
OSH in construction sector. The following qualifications and experience are required:

Demonstrated experience and competency in in designing the awareness campaign
materials and video production and photography, including shooting, lighting, and editing,
with a portfolio showcasing high-quality productions.
 Technical capacity and resources to ensure smooth, timely delivery of high-quality videos
and photographs.
 Clear articulation of skills and innovative approaches to production.
 Strong ability to meet deadlines and incorporate edits and changes effectively.
 Attention to detail.
 Experience with UN organizations is an advantage.
 Availability of a committed team, including a scenario developer.
 Capability to produce videos with Arabic artist-produced voiceovers (native speakers or
equivalent) and subtitles.
1. Service provider (company) Profile: Overview and experience in printing design, video production
and photography.
2. Portfolio: 4-5 examples of previous work.
3. Technical Proposal: Approach, timeline, and methodology.
4. Financial Proposal: Cost breakdown, in USD.
5. Team Composition: Qualifications and roles of team members.
11. Application Process
Interested candidates with the required qualifications and experience should submit their quotations to
[email protected] with the subject line:
“Iraq OSH Awareness Campaign in construction sector”
Deadline: March 25, 2024.
 Applications not matching the requirements specified in these Terms of Reference will not be

12. Evaluation Process and Criteria
Quotations will be reviewed and evaluated by an Evaluation Panel, based on their compliance with the
requirements specified in the Terms of Reference (TOR). Each quotation will be evaluated on the following
 Responsiveness to the TOR (20%)
 Ability to meet the specified producing quality standards (20%)
 Experience and capabilities in handling similar projects (15%)
 Competitiveness of pricing (30%)
 Timeliness and logistical arrangements (15%)
13. Conclusion
This TOR provides the framework for the selection of a contractor to produce and deliver high-quality
produced materials for the OSH Awareness Campaign. We look forward to receiving your proposals and
collaborating on this important initiative.
_DSC3075.jpg Kivanc Ozvardar 2020/01 Gaziantep,
A young Turkish employee
working in the industry
sector in Gaziantep, Turkey.
Most of his colleagues are
Syrian. Gaziantep is one of
the cities with the highest
Syrian population back then
2011, the beginning of the
 Photo consent form
By signing this form, I accept to be photographed, filmed and or interviewed without remuneration and I
grant the International Labour Organization the right to reproduce, display and distribute, in any format
and worldwide, now and in the future, the images, videos and interviews made of me.

UNGM Link: Supporting the Occupational Safety and Health OSH awareness campaign 26-30 April 2025

How to apply

Interested candidates with the required qualifications and experience should submit their quotations to
[email protected] with the subject line:
“Iraq OSH Awareness Campaign in construction sector”
Deadline: March 25, 2024.
 Applications not matching the requirements specified in these Terms of Reference will not be

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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